Monday, March 22, 2010

Wherever You Are, Be There

One of the major reasons why we fail to find happiness or to
create unique lifestyle is because we have not yet mastered
the art of being.

While we are home our thoughts are still absorbed with
solving the challenges we face at the office. And when we
are at the office we find ourselves worrying about problems
at home.

We go through the day without really listening to what
others are saying to us. We may be hearing the words, but we
aren't absorbing the message.

As we go through the day we find ourselves focusing on past
experiences or future possibilities. We are so involved in
yesterday and tomorrow that we never even notice that today
is slipping by.

We go through the day rather than getting something from the
day. We are everywhere at any given moment in time except
living in that moment in time.

Lifestyle is learning to be wherever you are. It is
developing a unique focus on the current moment, and drawing
from it all of the substance and wealth of experience and
emotions that it has to offer.

Lifestyle is taking time to watch a sunset. Lifestyle is
listening to silence. Lifestyle is capturing each moment so
that it becomes a new part of what we are and of what we are
in the process of becoming.

Lifestyle is not something we do; it is something we
experience. And until we learn to be there, we will never
master the art of living well.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Do you ever think that there is no end to the problems you face? Do you feel that with each step forward, adverse circumstances pull you two steps back? If so, then welcome to the majority. Most people feel the same way.A wise person rightly said that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. You have to decide how much suffering your pain is going to inflict upon yourself and those around you. Here are a few ways of thinking that will help you turn adversity into a positive experience.

Adversity is a Symptom, Not a Cause

Frequently adversity is a symptom of some other, deeper problem. You just lost your job, and you may think this is a devastating turn of events. But do you try to figure out why you lost a job? What made you so dispensable? Was it the right career for you? Similarly, if you are sick or your loved one is sick, try to figure out why the sickness has happened. Is it your lifestyle? Is it the environment around you? Is it simply your attitude? As physical pain is a symptom of some malady, your adversity is a symptom of another problem. Although your first priority is to handle the current situation, you should make a mental note of the source of the problem. Unless you solve it, you’ll keep getting into similar situations.

Adversity is a Lesson

The busyness of our lives doesn’t allow us time to pause and appreciate the people we have around us. Adversity often awakens us to the treasures that are far more important than money and material possession: our health, our family and our friends.Sudden financial losses teach us that we shouldn't base our happiness on money. An illness teaches us to be humble and lead a healthy life. A sudden loss in the family makes us appreciate the cycle of birth, life and death. Such things may seem superficial, but you should learn from adversities if you don’t want them to control your life.

Adversity is Guidance

Sometimes adversity comes to your life to suggest that it’s time to change course. For example, when someone leaves you there is no use sulking and blaming yourself (and even the other person, frankly). Instead you should take it as a sign that a newer and more enlightened relationship should be sought that is more meaningful or constructive. Or maybe you should invest your time in other pursuits for the time being. ”I was complaining that I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet,” Confucius said, and this is so true. Rather than getting bogged down with our own problems we should pay attention to people who happily survive, and even prosper, despite all odds. When you open your eyes and have a look at the larger world, you’ll be happy to know how well life has treated you.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

As you move through your day remain open to those things
which give you a sense of joy and fulfillment. Write them
down as you experience them, realizing that they may very
well be worthy of more of your time.

When you spend time in pursuit of the things you are
passionate about life moves more easily than when you are
working on things which don't give you this same sense of
fulfillment. While it's vital to seek out and dedicate time
to your passions be sure to give your absolute best in
whatever task you find yourself in.

When you become a person who is known to give your best in
any and every undertaking it never goes unnoticed. Opportunity
seeks to find that special breed of person who treats even
the most seemingly menial things with the same enthusiasm
they would more monumental undertakings.

Whether we realize it or not those with opportunities to
share always exist and they're always actively looking for
people who give their best in all they do. Strive to be that
person and you will be the beneficiary of many incredible

Keep clearly in mind that how you treat the little things
often determines how many chances you will get to do the
bigger things which in turn leads to greater rewards in life.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Positive Insight

Here’s a positive affirmation you can use to move you in the direction of your goals and dreams…

“The language I use, and allow others to use when they refer to me matters. Words have power, they can build folks up, or break people down. While it’s true that I can’t always control what others say about me, I can control what I accept to be true — and in turn give power to. I can make the choice to tune out what others say when it doesn’t help to move me in a positive direction.”

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Do you look at yourself as the sum of your failures?

Most of us have a problem with our self image. I think the root of the problem is that we do not really know who we are. Typically our self image is based on the opinion of others. Growing up we have been labeled and branded by a lot of names, mostly based from our weakness and failures.

“Why you're no good…”

“You are such a loser.”

“You will never amount to anything.”

“You’re hopeless”

There are a lot more nasty words that have been spoken to us that have shaped how we see ourselves.

Our past mistakes also have broken our self image. Our mistakes have caused us so much pain that it lead to self-hatred. We have become our own worst critic. Sometimes it is you who put yourself down more than anyone else.

“We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures; we are the sum of the Father’s love for us and our real capacity to become the image of his Son.” – John Paul II.

Our weakness and failure does not define us. Our definition comes from the center of our very being. We are beings created out of the sheer love of God. And that the Father has left in each and one of us a seed of greatness. And no matter how broken we are this capacity for greatness remains within. For this capacity comes from the fact that we were created in the image and likeness of God. And that is irrevocable.

We have to start defining ourselves differently. We have to stop summing ourselves by the opinion of the world and start seeing ourselves as God sees us. We are precious. We are beautiful.

God wants us to be great men and women, like his saints were. But we have to stop putting ourselves down. We have to stop looking down on ourselves and start looking up.

You are awesome. And no one can take that away from you.

Not even yourself.

How you start your day counts

Im new to this blogging thing so bear with me if I happen to ramble. I have come to possibly realize what I may want to do with my life and this initial blog will help me to develop my skill in doing so. I hope you guys enjoy the following thoughts, Im doing this not only for myself, but to possibly help gear others towards bettering themselves as well. Without further delay, I bring you.. Blog 1 " How you start your day counts".

Whether or not we choose to believe it, for the most part you and I have a clean slate with each new day. Whatever happened yesterday, good or bad, is now rooted in the past.

In the moment in which we now find ourselves, we have the ability to now focus in on and do the things which will now serve us for the better, or we can give our attention to those things which will re-ignite whatever thoughts were causing us to remain stuck.

We have a choice, and fortunately, it isn't all that difficult to set the tone early on in your day. Does that mean you're guaranteed not to meet with a challenge early on that will knock you off course or throw you for a loop? Of course not, but in the event that something (or someone) shows up with such an agenda you'll find yourself a lot more prepared to deal with it and be able to adjust course accordingly.

I have some simple, but effective ideas you can use to start your day on a positive note if you choose to:

Upon waking up, name at least 5 people you are thankful for. Recount those in your life who've had a positive impact on you. Think of those who in some way helped to make you the unique person that you are.

Don't sell yourself short here. No matter what place you may find yourself in now, you re still an amazing person, with unique gifts and talents. You don't have to believe it, but it is still a scientific fact.

Practicing gratitude is a powerful thing that helps to reconnect us with our inner power, and the abilities which make up who we are.

Give thank for your talents and skills- each of us has been blessed with special skills and talents. You may not feel as though you've completely developed all of yours up to this point in your life, but that doesn't change the fact that you've got them.

Think through those things that others compliment you on those are talents. Don't underestimate all the amazing bits and pieces that go into making you the person you are. As you identify and give thanks for the talents that were bestowed upon you commit to develop them and become more proficient in their use.

Write down your days most important action steps the night before- The simple act of writing down the following days most important tasks will give you a plan to move on the next day. Keep in mind that you can get the most productive mileage if you'll put your "super tasks" at the top, where you'll complete them first.

For the purpose of this initial blog consider Super Tasks as those things which upon their completion will give you the absolute most bang for your buck. Consider the difference between a "super task" and say one of lesser importance.

A super task might be: calling on a prospective client, while one that doesn't quite hold such importance in the grand scheme of things might be: cut the grass.

While both are important, and you may very well want to get both done, the simple fact is the first example is going to lead you towards a greater reward then the latter. You see, its more of a matter of separating items which fall into the category of "busy work" versus those which can move us forward at a maximum pace. Another such "super task" might be to spend more time studying your industry or profession.

Review the action steps you wrote down the night before. As you are looking over the items you wrote down, close your eyes and see yourself completing them and experiencing the awesome sense of accomplishment for having done so.

After you have visualized yourself finishing the items on your daily action list take a deep breath and begin your day working on and completing them.

Keep in mind that each new day is jut that--an opportunity to turn the page, and implement daily actions that can steer your life in the direction you wish to go.

You can sail your ship, or choose to remain mired in inaction and float aimlessly, dependent upon whatever life may throw at you. My sincere hope for you is that you will choose the first option. Hey, its your life, live it up.